Handling Stormy Weather

Our weather this year is starting with a bang.  The actual weather has been all over the map (literally and figuratively), but also the energy ‘weather’ (what we experience) also has become intense.

Weather Worries

I like the analogy of weather, perhaps because I grew up in the upper Midwest, where weather was a true experience and things changed rapidly and often.

Like real weather, what we are experiencing at present in our lives can be lovely, soothing, uncomfortable, unpleasant, or frightening,almost depending on the day.  So, what can we do with all this?

I recall growing up being afraid of storms, because we would hunker in the basement, listening to the voice of our trusty weatherman over the crackling static of AM radio in a lightning storm. That was hard – bad weather meant fear, and worry.  And with farm life, good weather often meant getting more work done.  My life was, in many ways, determined by the weather.

Energetic Weather

When I left the farm, I was able to get a different perspective.  Rather than running my life, I learned to look at weather as an experience.  It is to be respected, but not feared.  While I do not get to control it any more than when I was younger, I have learned I can decide what I want to do in (or about) the weather.  Is it cold?  I get bundled up, and I plan a little more carefully for where I want to go and how to get there.  Is it raining?  I appreciate the help it brings to the trees and plants, remember I don’t melt when I’m wet, and then put on boots and a different jacket.  Is it icy, or snowing badly?  In respect for very bad weather and my abilities, I often do my best to plan or stay put, knowing the safest place is with my loved ones, in a place I am familiar with and feel comfortable in.

Stormy Energy

What we are experiencing right now is difficult energetic weather.  The storms are getting stronger, and it can feel very concerning and even frightening.  So, what are you wanting to do?  Do you want this weather to determine your life?  Or do you want to find ways to respect it, but also manage and prepare for what is going on out there?

Love, and until next time

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