Truth Weaver

Life is not only about the answers we receive, but also the questions we ask

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Do You...

How You Get Help...

Welcome: As psychic medium, I can help you answer your questions and find guidance.

Sometimes, we can forget our journey; we find ourselves in pain; or we get a little (or a lot) lost, and are unsure of the next best steps.

Here, you will find support and grounded, focused guidance to answer your questions and find your way.

I do this with gentle honesty and a passion for helping you find healing and peace. Using my skills, I will help you work on your challenges and pursue your dreams with clarity and confidence, guide you to understanding more of your own potential, and show you deeper levels of fulfillment, healing, and joy.

Together, exploring an understanding of your situation and choices.

Healing stones

How I Can Help You Now....

As a passionate, grounded, and focused psychic medium, healer, and coach with a thirty-two-year career in finance and technology, I do this through:

My Style

I am a logical and focused person, with a dash of humor and a direct style, tempered by love, empathy, and patience (learned the hard way in my own life). My thirty-two-year career in finance and technology has been about facts; strategy and planning; and managing and mentoring people, helping them to grow into their potential.

When doing readings, I use all this to remain grounded and clear in what we discuss, but my intuition draws its power from my passion for helping others see their potential, find self-love, healing, and to achieve new heights.

All this is me, and I welcome the opportunity to get to know you and work with you.

Explore Your Path

Psychic Readings

Psychic readings offer answers about your present situation and the choices of the future. My readings provide guidance and clarity to your journey.


Mediumship offers a bridge between our physical world and the world of Spirit. As a medium, I work to connect you to that world with gentle support and understanding.

Energy Healing

Energy healing is the gentle removal of energy deficiencies and blockages. Not bound by distance or time, these healings are highly effective and powerful, leaving you feeling well-rested and peaceful.


Featured Newsletters

Finding Your New Way

Finding Your New Way Sometimes, we find ourselves in places we don’t expect or don’t really want to be.  Today, I’m going to share how

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