Are you lost yet?
Hero’s Journey
The hero’s journey. As distilled from countless books and fables by literary folks, it is moving through a number of steps to a place of self-discovery, and often, triumph. However, inevitably along the way, the hero gets lost in some way.
Oddly, this being lost is critical to the journey to heroism. While lost, the potential hero learns what matters most and lets go of things that won’t help or don’t serve in the same way anymore. Most importantly, they learn about themselves – their courage, their fears, their strengths, and their purpose – what, in the end, makes them a hero.
The Start
Right now, much of what we thought was set, secure, and obvious is shifting and failing. We are, each of us, being set on a new journey, one where we don’t know all the steps, all the turns, all the possible dangers, nor the ways we will find help and guidance as we move forward.
Feeling uncomfortable, feeling disconnected from what you knew, and wondering how to take your next steps without great harm, are all part of this journey. This can be daunting, challenging, and exhilarating. At times, it can also be confusing, frightening, and frustrating if we don’t understand the structure of the hero’s journey.
Potential Heroes
You, reading this now, are a potential hero. Waking, being aware of what you can do, who you are, why you are; this is part of the journey of discovery that has started for all of us.
Heroes come in many shapes and sizes, so don’t dismiss what you can be. Loving, staying true to your heart, caring for loved ones (or helping strangers) are all acts that heroes perform every day. Remember, you are a hero to yourself as well. Be okay with puffing up your chest a bit. Be proud of getting through today, and having a heart of love that shines.
Remember, being lost is part of all this. You won’t know your deeper strength, your resilience, your persistence, without some test of what you want and where you want to be. Share the love you have, show your strength and persistence, and you will see how heroes save the world.