FAQ & Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between a Mediumship and Psychic reading?
A psychic reading focuses on reading your energy and situation and other living people; this may involve spirit guides as well, but the details and focus are all about you and your questions.
A mediumship reading is about speaking with your passed loved ones, ancestors, and sometimes your guides, in order to provide you understanding of their love, guidance, and support, as well as answer some questions and get supportive guidance.
Both approached provide guidance, healing, and support – it depends on your needs.
Who is this for?
For the curious who want to grow or check in on their life, for those seeking guidance and support, or anyone who has a loved one who passed.
What if I don’t know what to ask?
We can explore areas that come up that may be important, or provide you insight about your current situation and upcoming needs. If you are mostly just curious or don’t have a specific question, a 30 minute reading may work best; if you are troubled but don’t know where to start or what to ask about, a 60 minute reading may be better.
What if the topics are sensitive or I don’t want to discuss something?
The reading is for and about you; we can skip any topics that you do not want to review. I also always hold the view that ‘this is information’ and there is no judgment about what we discuss.
Does this work the same by phone as in person?
Yes, it absolutely does! Readings and healings are all about our energy, which is not limited by space.
If you a more comfortable with the ‘I see you’ experience, then we can do a Zoom call, which allows us to see each other (and for Tarot readings, I can show you the cards that come up)
What if I don’t know how to use Zoom?
Zoom is automated and works on all devices now. If you have never used, allow about five minutes for the system to load up and access your computer the first time. It’s self-directed after that and all you have to do is start it and turn on the camera (a small video camera icon at the bottom of the Zoom window).
Are you a psychic?
Yes, although Intuitive is sometimes used as a more updated term because it avoids the images of crystal balls and ladies in shawls cackling and murmuring. 😉
Do you work with clients outside the United States?
Yes! I have clients from around the world, and work with their time zones
What if I can’t find a time to meet with you?
Please email me (Bruce@TruthWeaver.com) with your situation and we can work out a time to do a reading to fit both our situations.
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Websites & Podcasts
An amazing and effective teaching program for learning Intuition: Intuition on Demand
A podcast providing helpful, uplifting, and inspiring messages: Sonia Choquette on YouTube
A clear, well-written blog on afterlife research and findings: Afterlife Investigator Bob Olson Blog
I am an avid reader, and find different perspectives and thoughts helpful for my growth. These cover several different topics, but each are ones I have read several times and find useful, helpful, and interesting:
Books on Life and Death:
Your Soul’s Plan – Robert Schwartz
A powerful review of how we plan the pattern and path of our life before birth
Many Lives, Many Masters – Brian Weiss
An introduction to reincarnation
Dying to Be Me – Anita Moorjani
About our life choices and how our Spirit can guide us when we choose
Love, Medicine, and Miracles – Bernie S. Siegel, MD
A classic on dealing with cancer and other serious illness, similar to Anita’s book, but from this side of life
Books on Life and Living Now:
Power of Positive Thinking – Norman Vincent Peale
An absolute classic on the power of manifestation (decades before “The Secret”)
See You at the Top – Zig Ziglar
Another classic that is funny, interesting, and a great inspiration for dealing with each day as it comes
The Comfort Trap – Judith Sills
A reminder of when to see the horse is dead and it is time to get off
Daring Greatly – Brene Brown
A book of finding your center and heart
Gifts of Imperfection – Brene Brown
For the perfectionists like me
Books for Reference and Topic Introduction
Out on a Limb – Shirley MacLaine
A well-written, personal perspective introduction to discovering the metaphysical world
Energetic Boundaries – Cindi Dale
A solid delivery for how to manage our energies, and exercises and practices for that – can be a little repetitive, but still a good book
Dream Dictionary – Tony Crisp
A straightforward, easily understood reference for dream symbology
Reluctant Messenger – Candice Sanderson
With a different writing style, an introduction to the world of guides and their messages about our world